Saturday, January 1, 2011

Broken Promises, Broken Heart

 I remember a time
not too long ago
you said you'd love me forever
you promised eternity

but then why now are you gone?
so quickly from my life you left
feeling nothing left
in your heart for me

you promised to always hold my heart
and never let yours leave mine
said you would love for always and forever
with all your heart and soul

it seems only yesterday we were happy


telling each other how we never wanted those moments to end
we wanted to stop time
because nothing else mattered
but our love

i loved you so much
i guess I loved too hard
I must have done something
to deserve this eternal pain

you left my side so easily,
so quickly moved along
saying you felt nothing
and that we were not right anymore

how could you promise me forever and for always
only days before this happened
talked of pleasures yet to come
and then BAM this happened

and here I lay
beaten and bleeding
all our love onto the floor

broken heart.
broken promises
broken love,
that i feel will never mend.


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